Tuesday 2 October 2012

Exhaust gas heat recovery power generating system

Now-a-days usage of electricity is increasing dad-by-day. For each and every work in homes, colleges, industries etc., are running by using electricity. Because of large usage resources are also decreasing so we have to conserve energy. The following experiment is also one of the best methods to conserve the energy. This experiment is done by using thermoelectric generator which converts heat into electricity directly this equipment has no moving parts and it is a silent operation.
          When compared to conservation of solar energy thermoelectric generator requires less space and it works continuous when it is exposed to heat whereas in solar energy it works only in day time as if we want to produce electricity during night time we have to track the sunlight and it requires more space high operational and maintenance cost etc., whereas in thermoelectric generator it is small in size and produces maximum power according to its capacity. Control unit, ammeter, temperature indicator is used to know how much voltage is produced at what temperature and battery is also used to charge the produced e.m.f. thermoelectric generator plays a main role in producing e.m.f. 
          Thermoelectric generators are all solid-state devices that convert heat into electricity. Unlike traditional dynamic heat engines, thermoelectric generators contain no moving parts and are completely silent. Such generators have been used reliably for over 30 years of maintenance-free operation in deep space probes such as the Voyager missions of NASA.1 Compared to large, traditional heat engines, thermoelectric generators have lower efficiency. But for small applications, thermoelectric can become competitive because they are compact, simple (inexpensive) and scalable.
          Thermoelectric systems can be easily designed to operate with small heat sources and small temperature differences. Such small generators could be mass produced for use in automotive waste heat recovery or home co-generation of heat and electricity. Thermoelectric have even been miniaturized to harvest body heat for powering a wristwatch.

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